Amys life

Amys life

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Daughters Bella and Zoe

Bella (Isabella), is my sweet and funny 5 and a half year old daughter. she is very expressive. She is always saying things to people and making everyone laugh. Bella loves playing outside and being the center of attention. She is the younger of my two daughters and she is the baby of the family. She is very cuddly and loving. Dont you just love the hero whoreship that children give you. You never asked to be a queen but sometimes Bella calls me that and says she is the princess. This little girl is always hungry, but even though i feed her constantly she does have her limits for sure. If she doesnt like something she will say that she is full. Does anyone else out there think they have the cutest children in the world well i sure do. Bella loves to bug her older sister Zoe all the time.

Zoe is my 9 year old daughter. She is very blond and blue eyed. The two girls are like night and day in looks. Zoe is an artist and was in an art camp in the last summer that passed. She love to be a princess and be the perfect angel. She loves my aproval. Shew is always trying to be the good daughter. She is very into clothes and has her own unique style of clothing. She has very girly friends and they just had a playdate recently and she came back with sparkles and play make up on her pretty little face.

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